The house has been built during the late 18th century and is one of the most beautiful traditional houses in Kashan, dated back to Qajar dynasty and annually visited by many travelers. The architecture of the house and the intricate carved plasterwork on the walls are attractive. The house is famous for its numerous courtyards [...]
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Noshabad is an underground city in the northern part of Kashan and in the central dessert of Iran. It is a masterpiece of ancient architecture. Noshbad has a high temperature during the day and it gets cold at night like other regions in the desserts. Noshabad means "cold tasty water" and the reason to have [...]
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Tabatabaei Historical House is one of the most popular attractions of Kashan. Being built in the 19th century, this house is an outstanding reflection of the lifestyle of Kashan wealthy families. Tabatabaei House demonstrates all the typical features of Persian architecture and is a must-see while visiting Kashan. History of Tabatabaei House Tabatabaei House was [...]
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Varzaneh salt lake is situated in the southwestern part of Gavkhuni wetland and is one of the attractive spots of the town. Local people started mining salt from this area. Some of the neighboring cities and districts get their salt from this area. It is a very glorious experience for tourists to see a completely [...]
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Varzaneh dessert is regarded as the gem of Isfahan province due to its shiny sandy hills and is located 105km southeast of Isfahan. This dessert is ranked as one of the most accessible desserts of Iran. The area has natural attractions like Gavkhuni Wetland, Salt Lake and Sand Hills. One of the tourist attractions in [...]
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It is built in the Safavid dynasty and is the best example of Islamic architecture. It is registered as a UNESCO world heritage site and is situated in the southern part of Naghsh-e Jahan Square Across from Qeisarie Bazar. The mosaic tiles and the calligraphic inscriptions made it a marvelous site not to ignore. It [...]
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Naghsh-e-Jahan Square is the second biggest square in the world and is situated in the central part of the city. This Square is one of UNESCO's world heritage sites and is surrounded by four other magnificent monuments related to the Safavid dynasty. The Royal Mosque is on the south, Sheikh Lutullah Mosque is on the [...]
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This mosque is one of the masterpieces dating back to the Safavid dynasty and is situated on the eastern part of Naghsh-e-Jahan Square. isfahan tour It is constructed by the famous architect named Sheikh Bahaee during the reign of Shah Abbas the first. The Royal Mosque was supposed to be a public one but Sheikh [...]
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The name of this palace is composed of two words; Ali which is an Arabic word meaning GREAT and Qapu which is a Turkish word meaning DOOR. It is another edifice related to the Safavid dynasty and dates back to the early 17th century. The building has six floors and is about 50 meters high. [...]
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Business meeting FAM Trip

A business meeting was held in Isfahan’s Ghasre Monshi Hotel on 17 Feb And participants of Iran FAM-Trip along with Dr. Allahyari, General Director of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of Iran and Mr. Yar mohammadian, Provincial Tourism Deputy were invited. In this meeting, parties negotiated possible ways to start their mutual cooperation in [...]
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