Iran travel

Iran (Persian: ايران) is a large country within the Greater Middle East and is part of the South-Central AsianUnion, between the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, and the Caspian Sea. It is bordered by Iraq to the west, Turkey, Azerbaijan's Naxcivan enclave, Armenia, and Azerbaijan to the northwest, Turkmenistan to the northeast, Afghanistan and Pakistan to the east. Understand Known as Persia until 1935 in the western world, whereas the indigenous [...]
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Iran tour

Iran, our beloved country is one of the best destinations for ourselves, Iranians and many foreign tourists, with its ancient and historic civilizations. Various tourists and tourists from Iran can enjoy unforgettable pleasure for a traveler. Isfahan tour See how people have redefined hospitality and warmth. Browse around Esfahan province, the province of historical gems. [...]
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Saadi Tomb

The mausoleum of Saadi, known also as the tomb of Sa’dy or Sadiyeh, is one of the major tourist attractions of Shiraz. Huge number of Iranians and non-Iranians pay a visit to this burial place and show their respect to Saadi and interest in his works, prose and poems. This Iranian poet is a globally [...]
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Chahkooh Gorge

Tourists who come to visit Qeshm will be amazed by the greatness of this area. The corridors and the shapes on the walls and the rocks made Chahkouh as an outstanding geological phenomenon. It is formed as the result of erosion of stones and is visited less than other attractions because it is still relatively [...]
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This floating forest is one of the best and most wonderful tourist attractions in Qeshm Island which annually attracts many domestic and foreign travelers. To visit this vast forest, travelers can go to Laft horbor which is located at north of the Island. The name has been picked up by Avecina who had been one [...]
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Naz Island

Naz Island is the only place in Qeshm which gives travelers an opportunity to go one kilometer into the water of the Persian Gukf on foot or even by car. Naz area consists of two islands which are situated in the eastern part of Qeshm. The islands do not have sand beaches and they are [...]
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Greek Ship

One of the famous tourist attractions in Kish Island is the Greek Ship which was originally built in Scotland in 1943 and was named as the Empire Trumpet. The ship sailed all around the world and it finally grounded in west of Kish in 1966. It had different names and different owners and the final [...]
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The ancient city of Harrireh measures about 120 hectares which hold a thriving population in the past. Most part of the city has been destroyed but a few instances of arched stone ceiling have remained unharmed. The place for the establishment of the city has delicately been chosen due to the existence of high cliffs [...]
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Dolphinarium is a natural park which is the habitat of some sea animals prominently the dolphins. The park welcomes domestic and foreign travelers all year round. iran tour It is located in southeast of the island. The dolphins in this park are trained to do some acrobatic actions and they even paint watercolor pictures on [...]
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Ghale Bathhouse

This bathhouse is regarded as not only a famous bathhouse but also as a museum of anthropology. It has an Iranian Islamic architecture and is one of the most prominent bathhouses in the country of Iran. Another name for this structure is Haj Mohammad Saeed bathhouse and is located in one of the oldest neighborhoods [...]
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