The name of this palace is composed of two words; Ali which is an Arabic word meaning GREAT and Qapu which is a Turkish word meaning DOOR. It is another edifice related to the Safavid dynasty and dates back to the early 17th century. The building has six floors and is about 50 meters high. There is a wide terrace on the third floor with 18 wooden columns and a wooden inlaid ceiling. The paintings on the walls and ceilings of the palace rooms have floral, animal and bird motifs. One of the wonders of the building is the music hall on the sixth floor. This hall was for the guests who were invited to the palace by the King. It has a unique structure of plasterwork with the shapes of vessels on the ceiling and the walls surrounding the saloon. These shapes were designed not to keep the dishes inside but to get the eco of the played music and scatter the sound everywhere in the room delicately and harmonically. iran tour
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