Shokouh Iranian Tour & Travel Agency received 12 Russian travelers from Balalaika Travel Company in March 2017. The itinerary took 10 days and travelers visited the best places of the country and got familiar with Iranian culture. On the first day of their arrival, Tehran which is the capital city and famous for holding many national museums, welcomed the travelers. In the afternoon, the group took a flight to Shiraz and enjoyed taking afternoon walks on the city streets. This city is known among travelers for its gardens and nightingales. The tombs of two Persian poets are situated in Shiraz and many local people get there on the weekends. The cities of Yazd and Isfahan were the next to be explored. A vast majority of tourists come to Isfahan all year round to take a tour around the city and adore all the majestic historical monuments. Isfahan is greatly rich in architecture and culture and our travelers always enjoy the time they pass in this city. Many of its tourist attractions are registered by UNESCO as the world heritage sites. On the way to Isfahan, Shokouh Iranian tour guide took the group to Varzaneh dessert and let the travelers delve into the sand and feel the earth underneath their feet while getting captivated by the blue sky overhead.

Before getting back to the airport, the group found the chance of stopping in Kashan and enjoying the beauties of the city.